LKAB Minerals Group
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LKAB Minerals challenges Zero accidents and Zero harm to environment
release time :2018-01-24 11:41:54 page view:514

Jan. 22, 2018 - "I am convinced we can reach a Zero harm environment and it all starts and ends with our own behaviour. This is why the Golden Rules will be central in our Safety First work!" says Leif Boström.

“Safety is my top priority, always. I am happy to say that Lost Time Accidents have decreased in LKAB Minerals and the Special Products Division we are part of, during the last couple of years. However, during 2017 we noticed an increase of accidents without absence, which I interpret as an increased risk for more serious injuries to also occur. In addition to this we could have prevented the Lost Time Accidents experienced during 2017, all together this means we have to take measures to continue to move towards a zero harm work environment.” 

How can the Golden Rules contribute to a safer work environment?

"We do not necessarily need more rules and instructions if we follow the ones we have. The Golden Rules are more centered around attitudes and behaviours; what is okay and what is not. It is important to recognise safe behaviour, to make that our new standard. We also need to be clear that efficiency and safety can never be allowed to be opposing values."

Is there any specific rule you would like to highlight?

“They are all important. But if choosing just one I would say it is to ’act when you see a risk’, to care for and take responsibility for the safety of your colleagues and thereby be part of establishing a new norm in our workplace.”

What happens now when the rules are launched?

"Our Safety First team will develop existing and implement new tools and procedures for the entire division. Concerning the Golden Rules, we will arrange workplace meetings where myself or other senior managers will attend. I, and the rest of the management team, look forward to meeting as many co-workers as possible to discuss the Golden Rules and what we need to do to become a zero harm workplace" Leif Boström concludes.

LKAB Minerals Group

Address: LKAB Minerals AB Box 952 SE-971 28 Luleå Postal Code: SE-97128 Website:

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